textX release process


For the background see here.

  • We are using semantic versioning and a standard format to keep changelogs (see CHANGELOG.md).
  • We develop features on feature branches. Feature branches are named feature/<feature name>.
  • We fix bugs on bugfix branches named as bugfix/<issue no>-<name>
  • We have a branch for the upcoming major release -- next-release (red in the picture bellow).
  • If the feature is backward incompatible (BIC) the PR is made against the next-release branch (not against the master branch)
  • If the feature is backward compatible PR is made against the master.
  • Thus, Unreleased section in the changelog on the master branch will never have any BIC change. All BIC changes should go to the changelog on the next-release branch.
  • We constantly merge master branch to next-release branch. Thus, next-release branch is the latest and greatest version with all finished features applied.
  • When the time for minor release come we follow textX release checklist defined bellow.
  • When the time for major release come we merge next-release branch to master and follow textX release checklist defined bellow.


textX release checklist

  1. If minor/major version increase, create maintenance/support branch from the current master. The name is support/v<previous major.minor.x> (e.g. support/v2.0.x).

  2. Create a temporary branch for preparing the next release called release-preparation and switch to that branch.

  3. Update version in the textX/__init__.py.

  4. Update CHANGELOG (create new section for the release, update github links, give credits to contributors).

  5. Push release branch and create PR. Wait for tests to pass. Wait for the review process to complete.

  6. Delete all previous distributions in the dist folder.

  7. Create whl/tar.gz packages

    python setup.py bdist_wheel sdist
  8. Release to PyPI testing

    python setup.py publishtest
  9. Release to PyPI

    python setup.py publish
  10. In case of errors repeat steps 3-10.

  11. Create git tag in the form of v<version> (e.g. v2.1.0). Push the tag.

  12. Merge PR and delete PR branch (release-preparation).

  13. Change the version in textX/__init__.py to next minor version with .dev0 addition (e.g. v2.2.0.dev0).

  14. Merge master to next-version to keep it up-to-date.


For supporting previous versions only bugfix releases will be made. The process is similar. The difference for support release would be that release process would be based of the support branch instead of the master branch as is done for regular releases. Thus, for support release, we would skip step 1, in step 5 we would create PR against the support branch, and we won't do steps 13-15.