
Modeling hierarchical data structures: referencing attributes

The idea is to model a structure with attributes (which may again be structures).

struct A {
    val x
struct B {
    val a: A
struct C {
    val b: B
    val a: A
struct D {
    val c: C
    val b1: B
    val a: A

instance d: D
reference d.c.b.a.x
reference d.b1.a.x

Modeling classes and objects: class inheritance

Inherited attributes or methods can be accumulated with the textx.scoping.providers.ExtRelativeName scope provider:

Modeling Wiki-like texts with references inside

The idea is to model a string with an arbitrary content and links to other objects (the links are encoded with a special symbol, e.g. "[myref]" or - like in the exmample referenced below "@[myref]"):

ENTRY Hello:    """a way to say hello\@mail (see @[Hi])"""
ENTRY Hi:       """another way to say hello (see @[Hello])"""
ENTRY Salut:    """french "hello" (@[Hello]@[Hi]@[Bonjour]@[Salut]@[Hallo])"""
ENTRY Hallo:    """german way to say hello (see ""@[Hello]"")"""
ENTRY Bonjour:  """another french "\@@[Hello]", see @[Salut]"""
ENTRY NoLink:   """Just text"""
ENTRY Empty:    """"""

Referencing a JSON database from within a textX model

Here, we link a textX model with a non textX database (could be any database or data structure available in python). If you have, e.g., a DOORS binding, you could also reference such information sources.

Referencing global data using full qualified names

Multi-file models

Multi-metamodel multi-file models

Here, we focus on referencing model elements from models based on other textX meta models. These other meta models are typically imported from other python modules (e.g. deployed separately).

In the example referenced below, we simulate three modules with three classes in the unittest. Each class take the role of one module and defines one concrete DSL. These DLS reference each other.

  • Model example (types.type) - "Type"-DSL

     type int
     type string 
  • Model example ( - "Data"-DSL

     #include "types.type"
     data Point { x: int y: int}
     data City { name: string }
     data Population { count: int}
  • Model example (data_flow.flow) - "Flow"-DSL

     #include ""
     #include "types.type" // double include, loaded 1x only
     algo A1 : Point -> City
     algo A2 : City -> Population
     connect A1 -> A2
  • Model example (data_flow.flow) - "Flow"-DSL with validation error

     #include ""
     algo A1 : Point -> City
     algo A2 : City -> Population
     connect A2 -> A1 // Error, must be A1 -> A2
  • Unittest tests/functional/test_metamodel/

Enable and distinguish float and int values for attributes

Parsing structures inside arbitrary surrounding text

See this StackOverflow question.

Optimizing grammar performance

When it comes to parsing very large files with textX, the performance issues may arise. In certain cases, a good performance improvement can be achieved by optimizing the grammar.

Investigating the grammar with the parse trace option enabled (debug=true) helps to reveal the excessive backtrackings (unsuccessful matches) that are essentially the wasted computations. By investigating these backtrackings, valuable clues can be obtained regarding possible inefficiencies in the grammar design.

Known optimization techniques:

  • Reorder OrderedChoice to put first those members that occur more often in inputs.

  • If a grammar has a hot path that is called out very often and this path contains negative assertions (see this example), these negative assertions can be optimized by merging them all together in a single regex. Regex engine is implemented in C and is much faster to handle the negative assertions in one go compared to when the negative matching is done by Arpeggio on the Python level.

Caching parsed content to speed up processing

Parsing a single text file with textX can be fast. However, when dealing with multiple files that need to be re-parsed every time a program is invoked, it is worth considering the option of caching the parsed content.

One straightforward solution, using Python, involves utilizing Python's pickle module. After running a textX job, a set of Python objects is created based on the textX grammar. The Pickle module allows storing these objects in a file on the file system. Consequently, when the program is executed again, instead of parsing the textX grammar from scratch, the program can efficiently recreate the Python objects from the cached file.

To ensure that the cache remains valid, the modification date of the original text file can be compared with that of the cached file. If the cached file is found to be older than the original text file, it indicates that the textX parser needs to be called again to obtain the latest result and subsequently update the cached file.