textX Scoping

Motivation and Introduction to Scoping

Assume a grammar with references as in the following example (grammar snippet).

        ref=[MyInterface:FQN] name=ID ';'

The scope provider is responsible for the reference resolution of such a reference.

The default behavior (default scope provider) is looking for the referenced name globally (not taking any nested model structures into account, such as nested model-packages, model-namespaces or similar).

Other scope providers will take namespaces into account, support references to parts of the model stored in different files or even models defined by other metamodels (imported into the current metamodel). Moreover, scope providers exist that allow to reference model elements relative to other referenced model elements. For example, this can be a referenced method defined in a referenced class of an instance (with a metamodel defining classes, methods and instances of classes).


The scope providers are registered with a metamodel and can be bound to specific attributes of grammar rules:

  • e.g., my_meta_model.register_scope_providers({"*.*": scoping.providers.FQN()}) bounds FQN provider to all attributes of all grammar rules due to *.*
  • or: my_meta_model.register_scope_providers({"MyAttribute.ref": scoping.providers.FQN()}) bounds FQN provider to attribute ref of grammar rule MyAttribute
  • or: my_meta_model.register_scope_providers({"*.ref": scoping.providers.FQN()}) bounds FQN provider to ref attribute of all grammar rules.
  • or: my_meta_model.register_scope_providers({"MyAttribute.*": scoping.providers.FQN()}) bounds FQN provider to all attributes of MyAttribute grammar rule

Example (from tests/test_scoping/test_local_scope.py):

# Grammar snippet (Components.tx)
    'component' name=ID ('extends' extends+=[Component:FQN][','])? '{'
Slot: SlotIn|SlotOut;
# ...
    'instance' name=ID ':' component=[Component:FQN] ;
      from_inst=[Instance:ID] '.' from_port=[SlotOut:ID]
      to_inst=[Instance:ID] '.' to_port=[SlotIn:ID]
# Python snippet
my_meta_model = metamodel_from_file(
    os.path.join(abspath(dirname(__file__)), 'components_model1', 'Components.tx')

    "*.*": scoping_providers.FQN(),
    "Connection.from_port": scoping_providers.RelativeName(
    "Connection.to_port": scoping_providers.RelativeName(

This example selects the fully qualified name provider as default provider ("*.*"). Moreover, for special attributes of a Connection a relative name lookup is specified: here the path from the rule Connection containing the attribute of interest (e.g. Connection.from_port) to the referenced element is specified (the slot contained in from_inst.component.slots). Since this attribute is a list, the list is searched to find the referenced name.


Special rule selections (e.g., Connection.from_port) are preferred to wildcard selection (e.e, "*.*").

Scope Providers defined in Module "textx.scoping.providers"


The scope provider implementations presented here assume that the name attribute of named elements has a string type (e.g. ´name=ID´).

We provide some standard scope providers:

  • textx.scoping.providers.PlainName: This is the default provider of textX. It implements global naming within one model (model file/string) without namespaces.

  • textx.scoping.providers.FQN: This is a provider similar to Java or Xtext name loopup within one model (model file/string). Example: see tests/test_scoping/test_full_qualified_name.py.

    A central feature of this scope provider is, that it traverses the model tree and searches for a matching sequence of named objects (objects with an attribute name matching parts of the full qualified name separated by dots). You can also provide a callback (scope_redirection_logic) to specify that certain named objects are not searched recursively, but are replaced by a list of objects instead, which are searched in place of the current object. With this feature you can create, e.g., namespace/package aliases in your language. You can also activate a python like module import behavior for your language (with textx.scoping.providers.FQNImportURI), which is based on this callback. Example: see tests/functional/regressions/test_issue103_python_like_import.py.

        package p1 {
            package p2 {
                class a {};
        using p1.p2 as main
        var x = new p1.p2.a()
        var y = new main.a()


    Except in the context of the scope_redirection_logic (see above), the FQN does not take Postponed (unresolved) references into account. The reason is that this would create a much more complex decision logic to decide which reference needs to be resolved first. The purpose of the FQN is to identify direct instances of model objects, and no references.

  • textx.scoping.providers.ImportURI: This a provider which allows to load additional modules for lookup. You need to define a rule with an attribute importURI as string (like in Xtext). This string is then used to load other models. Moreover, you need to provide another scope provider to manage the concrete lookup, e.g., the scope_provider_plain_names or the scope_provider_fully_qualified_names. Model objects formed by the rules with an importURI attribute get an additional attribute _tx_loaded_models which is a list of the loaded models by this rule instance. Example: see tests/test_scoping/test_import_module.py.

    • FQNImportURI (decorated scope provider)
    • PlainNameImportURI (decorated scope provider)

    You can use globbing (e.g. import "*.data") with the ImportURI feature. This is implemented via the Python glob module. Arguments can be passed to the glob.glob function (glob_args), e.g., to enable recursive globbing. Alternatively, you can also specify a list of search directories. In this case globbing is not allowed and is disabled (reason: it is unclear if the user wants to glob over all search path entries or to stop after the first match). Example: see tests/test_scoping/test_import_module_search_path_issue66.py.

  • textx.scoping.providers.GlobalRepo: This is a provider where you initially need to specifiy the model files to be loaded and used for lookup. Like for ImportURI you need to provide another scope provider for the concrete lookup. Example: see tests/test_scoping/test_global_import_modules.py.

  • textx.scoping.providers.RelativeName: This is a scope provider to resolve relative lookups: e.g., model-methods of a model-instance, defined by the class associated with the model-instance. Typically, another reference (the reference to the model-class of a model-instance) is used to determine the concrete referenced object (e.g. the model-method, owned by a model-class). Example: see tests/test_scoping/test_local_scope.py.

  • textx.scoping.providers.ExtRelativeName: The same as RelativeName allowing to model inheritance or chained lookups. Example: see tests/test_scoping/test_local_scope.py.

Note on Uniqueness of Model Elements (global repository)

Two different models created using one single meta-model (not using a scope provider like GlobalRepo, but by directly loading the models from file) have different instances of the same model elements. If you need two such models to share their model element instances, you can specify this, while creating the meta model (global_repository=True or global_repository=instance_of_a_global_repo). Then, the meta model will store an own instance of a GlobalModelRepository as a base for all loaded models.

Model elements in models including other parts of the model (possibly circular) have unique model elements (no double instances).

Examples see tests/test_scoping/test_import_module.py.

Included model retrieval

When a model includes or references other model (model files), the scope providers in textx.scoping.providers use the field _tx_model_repository of the model object to keep track of the included models.

  • You can get a list of all included model objects of a model and the model itself with textx.scoping.providers.get_all_models_including_attached_models.
  • You can check if a model file is included by a model with textx.scoping.providers.is_file_included_by_model.

Builtin models

Similarly to builtin objects that are searched by their names, as a fallback you can provide model repository using builtin_models parameter during meta-model construction. These models will be searched by scoping providers based on ImportURI scoping provider after searching into a local model and all loaded models fails.

This is handy to provide builtin models of the language that are pre-loaded and don't need to be imported by each user model.

Here is a full example that demonstrates this feature:

from textx import metamodel_from_str, metamodel_for_language, register_language
from textx.scoping import ModelRepository

types_mm = metamodel_from_str(r'''
Model: types+=BaseType;
BaseType: 'type' name=ID;

# We register `types` language to be available by `reference` 
# statement in the main meta-model
register_language('types', '*.type', 'Simple types language', types_mm)

# Now in the main meta-model we use `references` to access the
# type language. We also use RREL for `Property.type` (+m:types) to
# specify where instances of `BaseType` can be found.
entity_mm_str = r'''
reference types as t
Model: entities+=Entity;
Entity: 'entity' name=ID '{'
Property: name=ID ':' type=[t.BaseType:ID|+m:types];

# Get `types` language meta-model
types_mm = metamodel_for_language('types')

builtin_models = ModelRepository()

# Construct types model and add it to the repository.
# We instantiate the types model with two BaseType instances: `int` and `bool`
builtin_models.add_model(types_mm.model_from_str('type int type bool'))

# BaseType object `int` and `bool` will now be available to the
# entity meta-model. Standard RREL search mechanism will be used to find the
# referenced model object
entity_mm = metamodel_from_str(entity_mm_str, builtin_models=builtin_models)

# In this model `bool` type is accessible despite not being explicitly imported.
model = entity_mm.model_from_str(r'''
entity First {
    first : bool

assert model.entities[0].properties[0].type.name == 'bool'
assert model.entities[0].properties[0].type.__class__.__name__ == 'BaseType'

Technical aspects and implementation details

The scope providers are Python callables accepting obj, attr, obj_ref:

  • obj : the object representing the start of the search (e.g., a rule, likeMyAttribute in the example above, or the model)
  • attr : a reference to the attribute (e.g. ref in the first example above)
  • obj_ref : a textx.model.ObjCrossRef - the reference to be resolved

The scope provider return the referenced object (e.g. a MyInterface object in the example illustrated in the Motivation and Introduction above (or None if nothing is found; or a Postponed object, see below).

The scope provider is responsible to check the type and throw a TextXSemanticError if the type is not OK.

Scope providers shall be stateless or have unmodifiable state after construction: this means they should allow to be reused for different models (created using the same meta-model) without interacting with each other. This means, they must save their state in the corresponding model, if they need to store data (e.g., if they load additional models from files during name resolution, they are not allowed to store them inside the scope provider.

Models with references being resolved have a temporary attribute _tx_reference_resolver of type ReferenceResolver. This object can be used to resolve the object. It contains information, such as the parser in charge for the model (file) being processed.


Scope providers as normal functions (def <name>(...):...), not accessing global data, are safe per se. The reason to be stateless, is that no side effects (beside, e.g., loading other models) should influence the name lookup.

The state of model resolution should mainly consist of models already loaded. These models are stored in a GlobalModelRepository class. This class (if required) is stored in the model. An included model loaded from another including model "inherits" the part of the GlobalModelRepository representing all loaded models. This is done to (a) cache already loaded models and (b) guarantee, that every referenced model element is instantiated exactly once. Even in the case of circular inclusions.

Scope providers may return an object of type Postponed, if they depend on another event to happen first. This event is typically the resolution of another reference. The resolution process will repeat multiple times over all unresolved references to be resolved until all references are resolved or no progress regarding the resolution is observed. In the latter case an error is raised. The control flow responsibility of the resolution process is allocated to the model.py module.

Using the scope provider to modify a model

Model creation by the metamodel (loading the model) is divided into a set of strictly ordered activities. Understanding that order makes it clear where in the metamodel and its configuration (e.g., scope providers or object processors) it is allowed to modify the model itself and what has to be taken into account.

The following image sketches these ordered activities: model_from_file_or_str.pu

The image illustrates that, while resolving references, all directly modeled objects are already loaded and instantiated. Scoping takes place after the model is completely parsed. Thus, while resolving references you can rely on the assumption that all model elements already exist.

It also shows, that objects processors kick in when all references are resolved. That means that no references are resolved any more after or while the first object processor has been executed. One exception is when calling object processors for match rules (e.g. regular expressions or rules like 'ID'): these processors are called bottom up during model construction. Those object processors should generally be a very simple, usually just a type conversions so they don't need a fully constructed model. Other object processors (i.e. those operating on common rules) are called, as depicted above, on a constructed model, in bottom up fashion.


While resolving references, user classes have modified attr-methods (__setattr__, __getattr__, __delattr__, and __getattribute__) in order to enable user classes with modified/restricted attribute access, like classes employing __slots__ (see Custom classes).

Use case: reference data in non-textx models

If you want to reference an element not directly modelled (instantiated), you need to instantiate or load this element or information somewhere. This information can be, e.g., information from a non-textx model, such as a JSON file (see: test_reference_to_nontextx_attribute.py). Since you need to resolve a reference (e.g. to an [OBJECT] in the given example), you cannot rely on object processors, since they are executed after reference resolution. Thus, scope providers need to take care of that (e.g., take care of loading the JSON data).

Use case: reference data "defined by references"

You may have the use case, that you want to define/instantiate objects by referencing them (on the fly). This may happen, if your meta model allows to define a model element by referencing it (like PlantUML is doing for, e.g., classes). In that case your scope provider creates (invents) model elements.

If you then require to reference these model elements "defined by a reference" by another "non-inventing reference", you must take into account that these elements may have not yet been created. This can be achieved in the same way as handling unresolved references in a scope provider (with the Postponed mechanism). This use case was motivated by #167.

An example of such a meta model is given in tests/test_model_modification_through_scoping.py: Here you can

  • define Persons explicitly (existence) and
  • reference two persons which know each other (relationship). Moreover, referencing a nonexistent persons (all person explicitly defined by the grammar have been created at the time of reference resolving) will create an additional (new) person (and, thus, modify the model).

In an extension of the grammar we then also allow

  • to greet persons. This also happens by referencing a person (like for the "knows"-relationship). But this time, nonexistent persons shall not be created, but should yield a referencing error.

    Implementation: Since it is unclear if a nonexistent person may be created by a not yet resolved "knows"-relationship reference, we have to postpone the resolution of a failed greeting (return Postponed). The reference resolution mechanism will detect if a state is reached with only postponed references and will then raise an error, as expected.