textX grammar

The language syntax and the meta-model are defined by the textX grammar in the form of a set of textX rules.


The basic building blocks of the textX language are rules. Each rule is written in the following form:

  'hello' who=ID

This rule is called Hello. After the rule name, there is a colon. The body of the rule is given as a textX expression, starting at the colon and ending with a semicolon. This rule tells us that the pattern of Hello objects in input strings consists of the string literal hello, followed by the ID rule (here ID is a reference to a built-in rule, more about this in a moment).

These are valid Hello objects:

hello Alice
hello Bob
hello foo1234

Rule Hello at the same time defines a Python class Hello. When the rule is recognized in the input stream, an object of this class will get created and the attribute who will be set to whatever the rule ID has matched after the word hello (this is specified by the assignment who=ID).

Of course, there are many more rule expressions than those shown in this small example. In the next section, a detailed description of each textX expression is given.

textX base types

In the previous example you have seen an ID rule. This rule is one of the built-in rules that form the base of textX's type system. Base types/rules are depicted in the following figure:

base types

  • ID rule: matches a common identifier consisting of letters, digits and underscores. The regex pattern that describe this rule is '[^\d\W]\w*\b'. This match will be converted to a Python string.
  • INT rule: matches an integer number. This match will be converted to a Python int instance.
  • FLOAT rule: will match a floating point number. This match will be converted to a Python float instance ('FLOAT' is a direct subtype of 'BASETYPE'; in order to distinguish floats and ints, 'STRICTFLOAT' was introduced).
  • STRICTFLOAT rule: will match a floating point number. This match will be converted to a Python float instance. A 'STRICTFLOAT' will not match an 'INT' (without "." or "e|E"). A 'NUMBER' is either a 'STRICTFLOAT' or an 'INT', and will, thus, be converted to a float or an int, respectively.
  • BOOL rule: matches the words true or false. This match will be converted to a Python bool instance.
  • STRING rule: matches a quoted string. This match will be converted to a Python str instance.

textX base types are automatically converted to python types during object instantiation. See auto-initialization for more information.

Rule expressions

Rule expressions represent the body of a rule. They is specified using basic expressions and operators.

The basic expressions are:


Match expressions are, besides base type rules, the expressions at the lowest level. They are the basic building blocks for more complex expressions. These expressions will consume input on success.

There are two types of match expressions:

  • String match - is written as a single quoted string. It will match a literal string on the input.

    Here are a few examples of string matches:

  • Regex match - uses regular expression defined inside / / to match the input. Therefore, it defines a whole class of strings that can be matched. Internally a python re module is used.

    Here are few example of regex matches:


    For more information on Regular Expression in Python see Regular Expression HOWTO.

    When the metamodel has the option use_regexp_group set to True, then a regular expression with exactly one group is replaced by the group. This can be used to define multiline strings to be stored in the model without the surrounding limiters:

        Model: 'data' '=' data=/(?ms)\"{3}(.*?)\"{3}/;

    An example model could be

        data = """
        This is a multiline

    When creating a metamodel with this grammar and the option use_regexp_group enabled, a multiline string delimited with """ is accepted: (?ms) activates the multiline option and the dot matches everything option. \"{3} matches the delimited """. The pattern "(.*?) is a non-greedy variant of get anything.

        metamodel = metamodel_from_str(grammar, use_regexp_group=True)


Sequence is a textX expression that is given by just writing contained sub-expressions one after another. For example,the following rule:

  "red" "green" "blue"

is defined as a sequence consisting of three string matches (red green and blue). Contained expressions will be matched in the exact order they are given. If some of the expressions do not match, the sequence as a whole will fail. The above rule defined by the sequence will match only the following string:

red green blue


If whitespace skipping is enabled (it is by default), arbitrary whitespaces can occur between matched words.

Ordered choice

Ordered choice is given as a set of expression separated by the| operator. This operator will try to match contained expression from left to right and the first match that succeeds will be used.


  "red" | "green" | "blue"

This will match either red or green or blue and the parser will try to match the expressions in that order.


In most classic parsing technologies an unordered match (alternative) is used. This may lead to ambiguous grammars where multiple parse tree may exist for the same input string.

Underlying parsing technology of textX is Arpeggio which is a parser based on PEG grammars and thus the | operator directly translates to Arpeggio's PEG ordered choice. Using ordered choice yields unambiguous parsing. If the text parses there is only one possible parse tree.


Optional is an expression that will match the contained expression if that is possible, but will not fail otherwise. Thus, optional expression always succeeds.


  'up' INT?

INT match is optional in this example. This means that the up keyword is required, but the following integer may or may not be found.

Following lines will match:

up 45
up 1

Optional expressions can be more complex. For example:

  'up' ( INT | FLOAT )?

Now, an ordered choice in the parentheses is optional.


  • Zero or more repetition is specified by the * operator and will match the contained expression zero or more times. Here is an example:


    In this example zero or more repetition is applied on the ordered choice. In each repeated match one color will be matched, trying from left to right. Thus, Colors rule will match color as many times as possible, but will not fail if no color exists in the input string. The following would be matched by the Colors rule:

      red blue green

    but also:

      red blue blue red red green

    or an empty string.

  • One or more repetition is specified by + operator and will match the contained expression one or more times. Thus, everything that is written for zero or more applies here except that at least one match must be found for this expression to succeed. Here is an above example modified to match at least one color:

  • Unordered group is a special kind of a sequence. Syntactically it is similar to a repetition. It is specified by the # operator and must be applied to either sequences or ordered choices. This operator will match each element of the sequence or the ordered choice in an arbitrary order:

        ("red" "green" "blue")#

    For the previous example all following lines are valid:

      red blue green
      red green blue
      blue green red

    But, the following lines are not valid:

      red blue red green
      blue green

    Consider this example:

          (static?='static' final?='final' visibility=Visibility)#
          'public' | 'private' | 'protected';

    We want to provide modifiers to the type declarations in our language. Furthermore, we want modifiers to be written in any order.

    The following lines will match (thanks to ?= operator, only visibility must be specified):

      public static
      final protected static

    You can combine unordered groups with parenthesized groups. Lets look at the following example:

        (('first' 'second')  'third')#

    This will match group with sequence first second and third in arbitrary order but the sequence first second maintains the order. Thus, these inputs will match:

      first second third
      third first second

    But these won't:

      third second first
      second first third

    Alternatively, you can use ordered choice instead of grouping. This will be equivalent with the previous example:

        ('first' 'second' | 'third')#


Unordered group may also have repetition modifiers defined.


Assignments are used as a part of the meta-model deduction process. Each assignment will result in an attribute of the meta-class created by the rule.

Each assignment consists of the LHS (left-hand side) and the RHS (right-hand side). The LHS is always a name of the meta-class attribute while the RHS can be a reference to other rules (either a match or a link reference) or a simple match (string or regex match). For example:

  name=Name ',' surname=Surname ',' age=INT ',' height=INT ';'

The Name and Surname rules referenced in the RHS of the first two assignments are not given in this example.

This example describes the rule and meta-class Person, that will parse and instantiate the Person objects with these four attributes:

  • name - which will use the rule Name to match the input, it will be a reference to the instance of the Name class,
  • surname - will use Surname rule to match the input,
  • age - will use the built-in type INT to match a number from the input string. age will be converted to the python int type.
  • height - the same as age, but the matched number will be assigned to the height attribute of the Person instance.

Notice the comma as the separator between matches and the semicolon match at the end of the rule. Those matches must be found in the input but the matched strings will be discarded. They represent a syntactic noise.

If the RHS is one of textX BASETYPEs, then the matched string will be converted to some of the plain python types (e.g. int, string, boolean).

If the RHS is a string or regex match like in this example:


then the attribute given by the LHS will be set as the string matched by the RHS regular expression or string.

If the RHS is a reference to some other rule, then the attribute given by the LHS will be set to refer to the object created by the RHS rule.

Following strings are matched by the Person rule from above:

Petar, Petrovic, 27, 185;
John, Doe, 34, 178;

There are four types of assignments:

  • Plain assignment (=) will match its RHS once and assign what is matched to the attribute given by the LHS. The above example uses plain assignments.


  • Boolean assignment (?=) will set the attribute to True if the RHS match succeeds and to False otherwise.


      cold ?= 'cold'
      number_given ?= INT
  • Zero or more assignment (*=) - LHS attribute will be a list. This assignment will keep matching the RHS as long as the match succeeds and each matched object will be appended to the attribute. If no match succeeds, the attribute will be an empty list.


  • One or more assignment (+=) - same as the previous assignment, but it must match the RHS at least once. If no match succeeds, this assignment does not succeed.

Multiple assignment to the same attribute

textX allows for multiple assignments to the same attribute. For example:

      a=INT b=FLOAT a*=ID

Here a attribute will always be a Python list. The type of a will be OBJECT as the two assignments have declared different types for a (INT and ID).

Consider this example:

      'func(' (params+=Parameter[','])? ')'
      type=ID name=ID | name=ID

In Parameter rule, the name attribute assignments are part of different ordered choice alternatives and thus name will never have more than one value and thus should not be a list. The type of name is consistent in both assignments so it will be ID.

The rule of the thumb for multiple assignments is that if there is no possibility for an attribute to collect more than one value during parsing it will be a single value object, otherwise it will be a list.


Rules can reference each other. References are usually used as a RHS of the assignments. There are two types of rule references:

  • Match rule reference - will call another rule. When instance of the called rule is created, it will be assigned to the attribute on the LHS. We say that the referred object is contained inside the referring object (i.e. they form a parent-child relationship).


        'structure' '{'

    StructureElement will be matched zero or more times. With each match, a new instance of the StructureElement will be created and appended to the elements python list. A parent attribute of each StructureElement will be set to the containing Structure.

  • Link rule reference - is written as a referred rule name inside square brackets. It will match an identifier of some class object at the given place and convert that identifier to a Python reference to the target object. This reference resolving is done automatically by textX. By default, a name attribute is used as the identifier of the object. By default, all objects of the same class are in a single namespace. This can be configured by scope providers and Reference Resolving Expression Language.


        'screen' name=ID "{"
        'screen' type=[ScreenType]

    The type attribute is a link to the ScreenType object. This is a valid usage:

      // This is a definition of the ScreenType object
      screen Introduction {
      // And this is a reference link to the ScreenType object defined above
      // ScreenInstance instance
      screen Introduction

    Introduction will be matched, the ScreenType object with that name will be found and the type attribute of ScreenInstance instance will be set to it.

    ID rule is used by default to match the link identifier. If you want to change that, you can use the following syntax:

        'screen' type=[ScreenType:WORD]

    Here, instead of ID a WORD rule is used to match the object's identifier.


Attributes with name names are used for reference auto-resolving. By default, a dict lookup is used, thus they must be of a hashable type. See issues #40 and #266.

A usual error is to match the name in this fashion:

MyObj: name+=ID['.'];

Here, name will be a list of strings that are separated by dot and that will not work as the name must be hashable. The best way to implement this and make name hashable is:

MyObj: name=FQN;
FQN: ID+['.'];

Now, name will be the string returned by the FQN match rule.

Syntactic predicates

Syntactic predicates are operators that are used to implement lookahead. The lookahead is used to do parsing decision based on the part of the input ahead of the current position. Syntactic predicates are written as a prefix of some textX rule expression. The rule expression will be used to match input ahead of the current location in the input string. It will either fail or succeed but will never consume any input.

There are two type of syntactic predicates:

  • Not - negative lookahead (!) - will succeed if the current input doesn't match the expression given after the ! operator.

    Example problem:

      Expression: Let | ID | NUMBER;

    In this example we have nested expressions built with indirectly recurssive Let rule. The problem is that the ID rule from Expression will match keyword end and thus will consume end of Let rule, so the parser will hit EOF without completing any Let rules. To fix this, we can specify that ID will match any identifier except keywords let and end like this:

      Expression: Let | MyID | NUMBER;
      Keyword: 'let' | 'end';
      MyID: !Keyword ID;

    Now, MyID will match ID only if it is not a keyword.

  • And - positive lookahead (&) - will succeed if the current input starts with the string matched by the expression given after the & operator.


          AbeforeB | A | B
          a='a' &'b'      // this succeeds only if 'b' follows 'a'
      A: a='a';
      B: a='b';

    Given the input string a a a b first two a chars will be matched by the rule A, but the third a will be matched by the rule AbeforeB. So, even when AbeforeB matches only a and is tried before any other match, it will not succeed for the first two a chars because they are not followed by b.

Match suppression

Sometimes it is necessary to define match rules that should return only parts of the match. For that we use match the suppression operator (-) after the expression you want to suppress.

For example:

    '"'?- ID '"'?-

Because we use noskipws rule modifier, FullyQualifiedID does not skip whitespaces automatically. Thus, we have to match whitespaces ourself, but we don't want those whitespaces in the resulting string. You might wonder why we are using noskipws. It is because we do not want whitespaces in between each QuotedID match. So, for example, first. second shouldn't match but first.second should.

In the rule FullyQualifiedID we are suppressing whitespace matches /\s*/-. We also state in QuotedID that there are optional quotation marks around each ID, but we don't want those either '"'?-.

Given this input:


FullyQualifiedID will return:


Repetition modifiers

Repetition modifiers are used for the modification of the repetition expressions (*, +, #, *=, +=). They are specified in brackets [ ]. If there are more modifiers, they are separated by a comma.

Currently, there are two modifiers defined:

  • Separator modifier - is used to define separator on multiple matches. Separator is a simple match (string match or regex match).



    Here, a separator string match is defined (','). This will match zero or more integers separated by commas.

      45, 47, 3, 78

    A regex can also be specified as a separator.

      fields += ID[/;|,|:/]

    This will match IDs separated by either ; or , or :.

      first, second; third, fourth: fifth
  • End-of-line terminate modifier (eolterm) - used to terminate repetition on end-of-line. By default the repetition match will span lines. When this modifier is specified, repetition will work inside the current line only.


      STRING*[',', eolterm]

    Here we have a separator as well as the eolterm defined. This will match zero or more strings separated by commas inside one line.

      "first", "second", "third"

    If we run the example expression once on this string, it will match the first line only. "fourth" in the second line will not be matched.


Be aware that when eolterm modifier is used, its effect starts from the previous match. For example:

  'conditions' '{'
    varNames+=WORD[eolterm]    // match var names until end of line

In this example varNames must be matched in the same line as conditions { because eolterm effect start immediately. In this example we wanted to give the user the freedom to specify var names on the next line, even to put some empty lines if he/she wishes. In order to do that, we should modify the example like this::

  'conditions' '{'
    varNames+=WORD[eolterm]    // match var names until end of line

Regex match /\s*/ will collect whitespaces (spaces and new-lines) before the WORD match begins. Afterwards, repeated matches will work inside one line only.

Rule types

There are three kinds of rules in textX:

  • Common rules (or just rules)
  • Abstract rules
  • Match rules

Common rules are rules that contain at least one assignment, i.e., they have attributes defined. For example:

  'initial' x=INT ',' y=INT

This rule has two defined attributes: x and y.

Abstract rules are rules that have no assignments and reference at least one abstract or common rule. They are usually given as an ordered choice of other rules and they are used to generalize other rules. For example:


  MoveCommand | InitialCommand

In this example, Python objects in the commands list will either contain instances of MoveCommand or InitialCommand. Command rule is abstract. A meta-class of this rule will never be instantiated. Abstract rule can also be used in link rule references:


Abstract rules may reference match rules and base types. For example:

    STRING | FLOAT | BOOL | Object | Array | "null"

In this example, the base types as well as the string match "null" are all match rules, but Object and Array are common rules and therefore Value is abstract.

Abstract rules can be a complex mix of rule references and match expressions as long as there is at least one abstract or common reference. For example:

  'id' /\d+-\d+/ | FLOAT | Object

A rule with a single reference to an abstract or common rule is also abstract:


Abstract rules can have multiple references in a single alternative with the following rules:

  • If all rule references in a single alternative are match rules the result will be a concatenation of all match rule results,
  • If there is a common rule reference then it would be the result and all surrounding match rules are used only for parsing
  • If there are multiple common rules then the first will be used as a result and the rest only for parsing

For example:

Model: STRING | ID | '#' Rule1 Sufix;  // abstract rule
Rule1: a=INT;  // common rule
Prefix: '#';
Sufix: ID | SomeOtherSufix;
SomeOtherSufix: '--' '#';

In this example matching # 42 -- # at input would yield and instance of Rule1 with attribute a set to integer 42. This comes from a third alternative '#' Rule1 Sufix that succeeds and the # and Sufix would be used just for parsing and the result would be discarded.

Another example:

Model: (STRING | ID | '#' Rule1) Sufix;
Rule1: a=INT; // common rule
Sufix: '--';

This is also abstract rule as we are referencing Rule1 which is a common rule and we have no assignments. Matching # 42 -- as input will give an instance of Rule1 with attribute a set to integer 42.

In this example:

Model: STRING|Rule1|ID|Prefix INT Sufix;
Rule1: a='a';  // a common rule
Prefix: '#';
Sufix: '--';

we see that input # 42 -- would be recognized by the last alternative and the result will be string #42--, i.e. all match rule results would be concatenated. But if we give a as input than the result will be an instance of Rule1 with attribute a set to string 'a'.

In the following example we see what happens if we have multiple common rule references:

Model: STRING|Rule1|ID|Prefix Rule1 Sufix Rule2;  // Reference both Rule1 and Rule2
Rule1: a=INT; // common rule
Rule2: a=STRING; // common rule
Prefix: '#';
Sufix: '--';

For input # 42 -- "some string" the model will be an instance of Rule1 with attribute a set to 42 as it is the first common rule reference in the last alternative (the one that succeeds) but Rule2, despite being discarded, must also be satisfied during parsing or syntax error would be produced.

Match rules are rules that have no assignments either direct or indirect, i.e. all referenced rules are match rules too. They are usually used to specify enumerated values or some complex string matches that can't be done with regular expressions.




  /(\w|\+|-)+/ | FLOAT | INT

These rules can be used in match references only (i.e., you can't link to these rules as they don't exists as objects), and they produce objects of the base python types (str, int, bool, float).

All base type rules (e.g., INT, STRING, BASETYPE) are match rules.

Rule modifiers

Rule modifiers are used for the modification of the rule's expression. They are specified in brackets ([ ]) at the beginning of the rule's definition after the rule's name. Currently, they are used to alter parser configuration for whitespace handling on the rule level.

Rule modifiers act on the current rule and all rules referenced inside the rule (recursively): unless a refrenced rule has an explicit rule modifier, the currently active modifier state is propagated to referenced rules.

There are two rule modifiers at the moment:

  • skipws, noskipws - are used to enable/disable whitespace skipping during parsing. This will change the global parser's skipws setting given during the meta-model instantiation.


        'entity' name=ID /\s*/ call=Rule2;
        'first' 'second';

    In this example Rule rule will use default parser behaviour set during the meta-model instantiation, while Rule2 rule will disable whitespace skipping. This will change Rule2 to match the word firstsecond, but not words first second with whitespaces in between.


    Remember that whitespace handling modification will start immediately after the previous match. In the above example, additional /\s*/ is given before the Rule2 call to consume all whitespaces before trying to match Rule2.

  • ws - used to redefine what is considered to be a whitespaces on the rule level. textX by default treats space, tab and new-line as a whitespace characters. This can be changed globally during the meta-model instantiation (see Whitespace handling) or per rule using this modifier.


        'entity' name=ID /\s*/ call=Rule2;
        'first' 'second';

    In this example Rule will use the default parser behavior but the Rule2 will alter the white-space definition to be new-line only. This means that the words first and second will get matched only if they are on separate lines or in the same line but without other characters in between (even tabs and spaces).


    As in the previous example, the modification will start immediately, so if you want to consume preceding spaces you must do that explicitly, as given with /\s*/ in the Rule.

Grammar comments

Syntax for comments inside a grammar is // for line comments and /* ... */ for block comments.

Language comments

To support comments in your DSL use a special grammar rule Comment. textX will try to match this rule in between each other normal grammar match (similarly to the whitespace matching). If the match succeeds, the matched content will be discarded.

For example, in the robot language example comments are defined like this:


Which states that everything starting with // and continuing until the end of line is a comment.

Grammar modularization

Grammars can be defined in multiple files and then imported. Rules used in the references are first searched for in the current file and then in the imported files, in the order of the import.


import scheme

  'library' name=Name '{'



Scheme rule is defined in scheme.tx grammar file imported at the beginning.

Grammar files may be located in folders. In that case, dot notation is used.


import component.types

types.tx grammar is located in the component folder relatively to the current grammar file.

If you want to override the default search order, you can specify a fully qualified name of the rule using dot notation when giving the name of the referring object.


import component.types

  a = component.types.List

  '[' values+=BASETYPE[','] ']'

List from component.types is matched/instantiated and set to a attribute.

Inspecting textX grammars programmatically

Since textX is a meta-language (a language for language definition) any textual language can be specified using it, even textX grammar language itself.

This definition enable loading of textX grammar as a plain Python model which can be further analyzed for various purposes. This can be used, e.g. for tooling which need to analyze the grammar beyond of just syntactic and semantic checks (e.g. syntax highlighting may analyze grammar to discover keywords that needs to be colored).

To load grammar model first get the textX language meta-model with:

textx_mm = metamodel_for_language('textx')

and then call either grammar_model_from_str or grammar_model_from_file method on this meta-model object:

grammar_model = textx_mm.grammar_model_from_file(
    join(abspath(dirname(__file__)), 'pyflies.tx'))

Then investigate this model as you would do with any other model:

assert len(grammar_model.imports_or_references) == 3
assert len(grammar_model.rules) == 45

str_matches = get_children_of_type("SimpleMatch", grammar_model)