
With grammar you teach Arpeggio how to parse your inputs.

Arpeggio is based on PEG grammars. PEG is a type of formal grammar that is given as a set of rules for recognizing strings of the language. In a way it is similar to context-free grammars with a very important distinction that PEG are always unambiguous. This is achieved by making choice operator ordered. In PEGs a first choice from left to right that matches will be used.


More information on PEGs can be found on this page.

PEG grammar is a set of PEG rules. PEG rules consists of parsing expressions and can reference (call) each other.

Example grammar in PEG notation:

first = 'foo' second+ EOF
second = 'bar' / 'baz'

In this example first is the root rule. This rule will match a literal string foo followed by one or more second rule (this is a rule reference) followed by end of input (EOF). second rule is ordered choice and will match either bar or baz in that order.

During parsing each successfully matched rule will create a parse tree node. At the end of parsing a complete parse tree of the input will be returned. .

In Arpeggio each PEG rule consists of atomic parsing expression which can be:

  • terminal match rules - create a Terminal nodes:

    • String match - a simple string that is matched literally from the input string.
    • RegEx match - regular expression match (based on python re module).
  • non-terminal match rules - create a Non-terminal nodes:

    • Sequence - succeeds if all parsing expressions matches at current location in the defined order. Matched input is consumed.
    • Ordered choice - succeeds if any of the given expressions matches at the current location. The match is tried in the order defined. Matched input is consumed.
    • Zero or more - given expression is matched until match is successful. Always succeeds. Matched input is consumed.
    • One or more - given expressions is matched until match is successful. Succeeds if at least one match is done. Matched input is consumed.
    • Optional - matches given expression but will not fail if match can't be done. Matched input is consumed.
    • Unordered group - matches given expressions in any order. Each given expression must be matched exacltly once. Matched input is consumed.
    • And predicate - succeeds if given expression matches at current location but does not consume any input.
    • Not predicate - succeeds if given expression does not matches at current location but does not consume any input.

PEG grammars in Arpeggio may be written twofold:

  • Using Python statements and expressions.
  • Using textual PEG syntax (currently there are two variants, see below).

Grammars written in Python

Canonical form of grammar specification uses Python statements and expressions.

Here is an example of arpeggio grammar for simple calculator:

def number():     return _(r'\d*\.\d*|\d+')
def factor():     return Optional(["+","-"]), [number,
                          ("(", expression, ")")]
def term():       return factor, ZeroOrMore(["*","/"], factor)
def expression(): return term, ZeroOrMore(["+", "-"], term)
def calc():       return OneOrMore(expression), EOF

Each rule is given in the form of Python function. Python function returns data structure that maps to PEG expressions.

  • Sequence is represented as Python tuple.
  • Ordered choice is represented as Python list where each element is one alternative.
  • One or more is represented as an instance of OneOrMore class. The parameters are treated as a containing sequence.
  • Zero or more is represented as an instance of ZeroOrMore class. The parameters are treated as a containing sequence.
  • Optional is represented as an instance of Optional class.
  • Unordered group is represented as an instance of UnorderedGroup class.
  • And predicate is represented as an instance of And class.
  • Not predicate is represented as an instance of Not class.
  • Literal string match is represented as string or regular expression given as an instance of RegExMatch class.
  • End of string/file is recognized by the EOF special rule.

For example, the calc language consists of one or more expression and end of file.

factor rule consists of optional + or - char matched in that order (they are given in Python list thus ordered choice) followed by the ordered choice of number rule and a sequence of expression rule in brackets. This rule will match an optional sign (+ or - tried in that order) after which follows a number or an expression in brackets (tried in that order).

From this description Arpeggio builds the parser model. Parser model is a graph of parser expressions (see Grammar visualization). Each node of the graph is an instance of some of the classes described above which inherits ParserExpression.

Parser model construction is done during parser instantiation. For example, to instantiate calc parser you do the following:

parser = ParserPython(calc)

Where calc is the function defining the root rule of your grammar. There is no code generation. Parser works as an interpreter for your grammar. The grammar is used to configure Arpeggio parser to recognize your language (in this case the calc language). In other words, Arpeggio interprets the parser model (your grammar).

After parser construction your can call parser.parse to parse your input text.

input_expr = "-(4-1)*5+(2+4.67)+5.89/(.2+7)"
parse_tree = parser.parse(input_expr)

Arpeggio will start from the root node and traverse the parser model graph consuming all matched input. When all root node branches are traversed the parsing is done and the parse tree is returned.

You can navigate and analyze parse tree or transform it using visitor pattern to some more usable form (see Semantic analysis - Visitors)

Grammars written in PEG notations

Grammars can also be specified using PEG notation. There are actually two of them at the moment and both notations are implemented using canonical Python based grammars (see modules arpeggio.peg and arpeggio.cleanpeg).

There are no significant differences between those two syntax. The first one use more traditional approach using <- for rule assignment, // for line comments and ; for the rule terminator. The second syntax (from arpeggio.cleanpeg) uses = for assignment, does not use rule terminator and use # for line comments. Which one you choose is totally up to you. If your don't like any of these syntaxes you can make your own (look at arpeggio.peg and arpeggio.cleanpeg modules as an examples).

An example of the calc grammar given in PEG syntax (arpeggio.cleanpeg):

number = r'\d*\.\d*|\d+'
factor = ("+" / "-")? (number / "(" expression ")")
term = factor (( "*" / "/") factor)*
expression = term (("+" / "-") term)*
calc = expression+ EOF

Each grammar rule is given as an assignment where the LHS is the rule name (e.g. number) and the RHS is a PEG expression.

  • Literal string matches are given as strings (e.g. "+").
  • Regex matches are given as strings with prefix r (e.g. r'\d*\.\d*|\d+').
  • Sequence is a space separated list of expressions (e.g. expression+ EOF is a sequence of two expressions).
  • Ordered choice is a list of expression separated with / (e.g. "+" / "-").
  • Optional expression is specified by ?operator (e.g. expression?) and matches zero or one occurrence of expression
  • Zero or more expression is specified by * operator (e.g. (( "*" / "/" ) factor)*).
  • One of more is specified by + operator (e.g. expression+).
  • Unordered group is specified by # operator (e.g. sequence#). It has sense only if applied to the sequence expression. Elements of the sequence are matched in any order.
  • And predicate is specified by & operator (e.g. &expression - not used in the grammar above).
  • Not predicate is specified by ! operator (e.g. !expression - not used in the grammar above).
  • A special rule EOF will match end of input string.

In the RHS a rule reference is a name of another rule. Parser will try to match another rule at that location.

Literal string matches and regex matches follow the same rules as Python itself would use for single-quoted string literals, regarding the escaping of embedded quotes, and the translation of escape sequences. Literal string matches are treated as normal (non-raw) string literals, and regex matches are treated as raw string literals. Triple-quoting, and the 'r', 'u' and 'b' prefixes, are not supported – note than in arpeggio PEG grammars, all strings are Unicode, and the 'r' prefix denotes a regular expression.

Creating a parser using PEG syntax is done by the class ParserPEG from the arpeggio.peg or arpeggio.cleanpeg modules.

from arpeggio.cleanpeg import ParserPEG
parser = ParserPEG(calc_grammar, "calc")

Where calc_grammar is a string with the grammar given above and the "calc" is the name of the root rule of the grammar.

After this you get the same parser as with the ParserPython. There is no difference at all so you can parse the same language.

input_expr = "-(4-1)*5+(2+4.67)+5.89/(.2+7)"
parse_tree = parser.parse(input_expr)


Just remember that using textual PEG syntax imposes a slight overhead since the grammar must be parsed and the parser for your language must be built by semantic analysis of grammar parse tree. If you plan to instantiate your parser once and than use it many times this shall not have that much of performance hit but if your workflow introduce instantiating parser each time your parse some input than consider defining your grammar using Python as it will start faster. Nevertheless, the parsing performance will be the same in both approach since the same code for parsing is used.